Reach for the Real U
U will discover the truth for Ur #selfie about U herein. Ur Possible, God-given Real Life + Dreams! Here are a few facts about U nobody probably ever told U
Check them out for Ur self !
U are actually 3 people in 1
That’s right, U are a spirit-person (U breathe) + U are a soul-person (U think and have feelings) + U are a physical-person (U have a body) – Here’s what #GodSays about U
“I pray your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless …”
U are actually made by God
That’s right, here’s what #GodSays about who made U
“ Your eyes God, beheld my unformed substance when I was being made in secret. For you God, did form my inward parts; you God knit me together in my mother’s womb”
U can live your dreams today
That’s right, here’s what #GodSays about Ur heart’s desires – Ur dreams “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart (dreams). For eye has not seen, nor ear heard the things God has in store for you”
U do not need the Lord God Almighty … IF
U are now and for the foreseeable rest of Ur life, perfectly healthy and wealthy! That’s right … IF U are perfectly healthy and wealthy; spirit, soul and body. Plus, Ur little gods, such as money, or fame, are doing the job for U … U may not need the Lord God Almighty!
Why bother with the Lord God Almighty who claims to have made U. Have Ur best interest at heart, and be ruling the whole universe! And who has some simple house rules for U to successfully survive in his family, and live Ur dreams on his earth – in his way!
If however, U want the Lord God Almighty to help U to Survive with Power God’s Way?
U may today become a Seeker of God’s Truth and Way to Live and let the Lord God Almighty help U to Survive with Power and Live Ur Dreams!
YES … U have found Ur place, this mobile user friendly site can help U to Live Ur True Life and Dreams – God’s Way
Click on Youtube Link to #AllAboutU Video.